right, greater > 16 was what i ment.

he he

it is not a gui.
is raise SystemExit built in ?

thanks gents


On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 21:49 +0000, Alan Gauld wrote:
> > what would be the best command to end a program with.
> If its Tkinter (or another GuI) there will be a quit command 
> somewhere. Call that to ensure that the GUI framework gets 
> tidied up properly.
> For normal programs
> import sys; sys.exit()
> You can pass an exit code to the outdside world as 
> a parameter to exit too.
> or just
> raise SystemExit
> will work.
> > i have an app that i want to start every day at 6am from cron
> > but i want it to shutdown at 4pm
> OK, here you probably want system.exit(n) with a proper error 
> code so that cron can tell if it worked or not...
> BTW strftime('%H') returns the hour in 24 hour format so you 
> will want to check for 16 not 4...
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor
> http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld

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