Alan, thanks for the response.

>Python allows you to do things, without complaining, that Java just
>won't allow.

Checked exceptions are a pain, but at least there's no ambiguity about what
f(x) is gonna throw (unless it throws a RuntimeException). Nevertheless, I
agree: checked exceptions are probably a misfeature.

>Another example is that Python supports "Duck Typing", that is
>its type checking  is protocol based.

I see your point, but duck typing seems awfully implicit and

Seems like if I expect a protocol, and you provide something that claims to
implement said protocol, there ought to be some contract that ensures we're
dealing with the same protocol. I ought not to be able to pass my car and
my nose to the same function, just because the both run().

Despite all of this, I still prefer python! (when given the choice). I
learned java first, so I probably rely on its compiler crutches.


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