Terry Carroll wrote:
> I'm assuming you want the same serial # that shows up when you do a 
> DIR on the CD, e.g.:
>   >dir d:
>    Volume in drive D is 050512_1752
>    Volume Serial Number is 8A73-780D
> Here's some code:
>>>>import win32api
>>>>CD_Info = win32api.GetVolumeInformation("D:/")
>>>>serno = CD_Info[1]
> -1972144115
>>>>"%X" % serno
> '-758C87F3'
>>>>"%X" % -serno
> '758C87F3'
> This is as far as I can get.  the hex string, in this case 758C87F3 is the 
> two's complement of the serial number that shows up when I do a "dir d:":
>   >dir d:
>    Volume in drive D is 050512_1752
>    Volume Serial Number is 8A73-780D
> Note that:
>     758C 87F3
>   + 8A73 780D
>     =========
>   1 0000 0000
> Put another way, if you flip every bit in the 758C87F3 string and add one, 
> you'll get the 8A73780D serial no.
> I hope someone more artful than I can show a quick and easy way to convert 
> either '758C87F3' or -1972144115 to the '8A73780D'  that is your goal.

What is happening here is that Python is treating the bit pattern 
'8A73780D' as a signed integer. A common way to represent signed 
integers is with two's complement notation, so Python interprets 
'8A73780D' as the number -1972144115. When you convert this to hex using 
%x formatting, the sign is preserved and you see the representation 

To get the desired representation, you have to find a way to make Python 
interpret the number as an unsigned integer. One way to do this is to 
convert it to a long integer, then mask off the sign bits:
  >>> i = long(-1972144115) & 0xFFFFFFFF
  >>> i
  >>> '%x' % i

As you noted, John Fouhy's number doesn't have the high bit set. So it 
is interpreted as a positive number. Masking the sign bits has no effect 
because they are already zeros:
  >>> i=0x49BC31DB
  >>> i
  >>> i = long(i) & 0xFFFFFFFF
  >>> i
  >>> '%x' % i

More about two's complement notation here:


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