
The book is called 'Python Programming for the absolute beginner'. It is written by Michael Dawson and published by Premier Press.

I have to say that as someone that has no experience in programming what so ever, I am hooked! I need to learn Python for a job I am starting next month and to say I felt a little worried at the idea is an understatement. Since going through the first few chapters of this book (and having the support of this group) I can not wait to learn more!


On 26/01/06, Paul Kraus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What book are you working through? That is a pretty interesting exercise.

On Thursday 26 January 2006 12:52 pm, Bob Gailer wrote:
> At 08:44 AM 1/25/2006, Jon Moore wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written the program below as an exercise from a book I am working my
> way through.
> Objective from book:
> Write a character creator program for a role-playing-game. The player
> should be given a pool of 30 points to spend on four attributes: strength,
> health, wisdom and dexterity. The player should be able to spend points
> from the pool on any attribute and should be also be able to take points
> from an attribute and put them back in the pool.
> Although the program meets the aim of the exercise set out in the book ,
> there are a couple of things I am not happy with!
> 1. I am sure I have written far more code than required. Where could I have
> made some shorcuts?
> 2. Should the user enter a value greater than what is available, the
> program kicks the user all the way back to the main menu. How could I tidy
> this up to just loop round to ask the user to try a new value?
> choice = None
> # Set max number of available points
> # store attribute values
> attributes = [["Strength", 0], ["Health", 0], ["Wisdom", 0], ["Dexterity",
> 0]]
> Some ideas to chew on as you develop skills and understanding of
> programming.
> Separate the "essential data" from the code. The essential data are
> attributes, associated points and max_points. So
> attributes = ["Strength", "Health", "Wisdom", "Dexterity"]
> points = [0, 0, 0, 0]
> In this model the relationship between attributes and points is by
> position. Later you will study and use classes; then the points list will
> be replaced by a list of class instances, one per attribute.
> Develop code that operates on these lists to accomplish the various
> objectives. The code itself will never refer to any attribute by name!
> For example - to list the attributes with their points:
> for x in range(len(attributes)):
>   print "\t",attributes[x], points[x]
> To assign values. Note I separated getting input from converting it to
> integer so we can see if the user's entry is convertible.:
> available_points = MAX_POINTS - sum(points)
> print "You have " + available_points + " available."
> for x in range(len(attributes)):
>  cvalue = raw_input("How much would you like to assign to " + attributes[x]
> + " ?: "))
>   if cvalue.isdigit():
>     value = int(cvalue)
>   else:
>     print "Number expected"
> [snip]
> --
> Bob Gailer
> 510-978-4454

Paul Kraus
PEL Supply Company
Network Administrator
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Best Regards

Jon Moore
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