Jon Moore wrote:
> Hi,
> I am still working my way through my 'Python for absolute beginners 
> book' and have hit a brick wall with one of the end of chapter exercises.
> The challenge says:
> Improve the function ask_number() so that the function can be called 
> with a step value. Make the default value of step 1.
> The function looks like this:
> def ask_number(question, low, high):
>     """Ask for a number within the range"""
>     response = None
>     while response not in range(low, high):
>         response =  int(raw_input(question))
>     return response
> The author has not eluded to 'step values' in anyway that I can see in 
> the proceeding chapters!
This lights my frustration fire. I wonder whether the author tested the 

When I worked for a training company I was asked to test a new on-line 
course on JCL. I demurred by saying "But I don't know JCL.". The reply 
was "that's exactly what we want!"

So a general recommendation to authors is to have a member of the target 
audience "test" the book. You Jon have done that but at some cost to you 
and those of us on this list.
Tutor maillist  -

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