On Mon, 6 Feb 2006, Danny Yoo wrote:

> >   <grin> Avoid debuggers like a plague. If someone applies for a job
> >          with us and starts talking about their proficiency in
> >          debuggers, the interview stops right there and we keep looking.

I can see that bragging about "proficiency in debuggers" would be a
strange tactic in an interview, demonstrating an off-center focus.

But the debugger is sure handy now and then.  I try to *think* first.
That usually finds the problem.  Sometimes one or two print statements
or an assert sorts it all out.  But, sometimes I'm stuck, and using
the debugger is the quickest way to unstick me.

So you wouldn't hire me?  Your loss.  :^)

While people are talking like this, and about IDE's, the thing I miss
in the Python debugger is the ability to attach commands to a
breakpoint.  Does anyone know how to do that?

I use Linux and keystroked emacs to avoid mousing.  And I use a macro
in emacs to get around not knowing how to attach commands to


> Hi Tim,
> Seriously?  I know that the implication is that sufficient test cases and
> design will ferret out bugs, but this attitude toward debuggers surprises
> me.  Steve McConnell, author of Code Complete, makes it a point to
> recommend running any new code through a debugger just to force the
> programmer to dig though the abstractions to see what the program's
> actually doing at a low level.
> In particular, I've found a debugger invaluable in diving through old C
> code that I have not written.  Admittedly, I don't use debuggers in
> Python, but I do see the value in forcing oneself to jump levels of
> abstraction.  But maybe this approach is obsolete now and I'm just an old
> fuddy-duddy.  *grin*
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