On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 16:19 +1000, Joal Heagney wrote:
> > I'm curious. Why?
> > Is there some advantage to Postgres over MySql?
> Yes and no. Postgresql offers more features and is IMO more flexible 
> than most SQL servers out there.

A friend described MySQL as the RDBMS for people who do not really need
an RDBMS.  This is a little unfair, but has just enough truth to bear
repeating.  MyISAM tables offer good performance at the cost of
transactions, views, row locking, etc.  The MySQL documentation suggests
some work-arounds.

I use MySQL for these benefits:

        replication - (off-site near real time backups; simple distributed

        enum and set datatypes - easy to use integer to text mapping fields.
enums == radio buttons (single-select), sets == check boxes (multi-

        very easy administration

        good performance

Obviously, the lack of transactions is a nuisance.  If you are
converting software from another RDBMS, the MySQL limitations will be
especially painful.  When replication and/or easy administration trump
other concerns, MySQL can be a good choice.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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