kevin parks wrote:
> John,
> Thanks... i am liking this variation a tad more since it means i only
> have to type the path in one place .... but it is akin to your second
> one... i was (still am really) having a hard time understanding
> how to apply path.join _and_ listdir .... sometimes list comprehensions
> twist my brain but this one is worth studying ...
> nice! two little lines that do a boatload of work! hee hee
> ----
> pth = '/Users/kpp9c/snd/01'
> samples = [os.path.join(pth, f) for f in os.listdir(pth) if f.endswith 
> ('.aif')]
> ----
> i could even add:
> samples = [os.path.join(pth, f) for f in os.listdir(pth) if f.endswith 
> ('.aif' & f.startswith('t')]

You might like Jason Orendorff's path module. Using it you can write
import path
pth = path.path('/Users/kpp9c/snd/01')
samples = list(pth.walkfiles('t*.aif'))

path.walkfiles() returns an iterator, that is why the list() call is 
needed. If you are going to loop over the samples you can omit it:
   for sample in pth.walkfiles('t*.aif'):


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