Thanks both for your help,

I managed to find one book which talk about i18n for Python: "Python in a Nutshell" (few pages for i18n)

I've used sys.prefix on my ubuntu box to find the default directory and it works fine this way:

I've also done like you said:
gettext.install(domain, localedir)
and now it works fine also with a locale directory   :)

Then what I've got now is:
- I log on the french version of Ubuntu I've got the french app  version
- I log on the UK version of Ubuntu I've got the original app version in English

Now I'd like to be able to change language without loging out, change language, log in.

Martelli says in his book that to set the default language for the app I just need to do:

>>> os.environ.setdefault('LANG', 'fr_FR')
and Python doesn't complain (but doesn't work) but if I then do:

>>> print locale.getdefaultlocale()

Python says : ('en_GB', 'utf-8')  # meaning that really couldn't work ?

How can I have my app in French even if I'm still in the GB version of Ubuntu (change the language for the app) ?

I've also tried the "translation" way instead of the "install" way:

if I do:
gettext.install("myapp", localedir) #it translates in French when I'm in the French Ubuntu
but if I do instead: gettext.translation("myapp", localedir, languages="fr_FR") #with the same localedir which worked before
Python complains:
"    gettext.translation("myapp", localedir, languages="fr_FR")
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 480, in translation
    raise IOError(ENOENT, 'No translation file found for domain', domain)
IOError: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'myapp' "

I find it strange that "install" finds it but not "translation" (for the same localedir) ?

Thanks in advance If you can help.


On 23/03/06, Michael Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 17:41:14 +0100
"francois schnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I wish to translate a Python script from English to French. I've read the
> offical documentation ( doc) but I must admit that I'm lost now
> ...
> I've found some simple explanations here but I can't make it work:
> Here's where I'm stuck:
> Let's imagine my app is:
> --
> import gettext
> _ = gettext.gettext
> print _("hello friends")
> print _("Bye Bye")
> ---
> Here are my folders on a windows box:
> C:\myappfolder\
> -----------------------\Translations\francais\LC_MESSAGES
> My is in myappfolder
> In this folder I've used to produce a messages.pot file => I
> add the translation in it => I have a messages.po file.
> I then used to produce file.
> I then copied messages.po and in LC_MESSAGES folder
> C:\myappfolder\
> -----------------------\Translations\francais\LC_MESSAGES
> I now come back to and add two lines:
> ---
> import gettext
> _ = gettext.gettext
> t=gettext.translation("messages","c:\myappfolder\Translations","francais")
> t.install()
> print _("hello friends")
> print _("Bye Bye")
> ---
> When I do that Python anwers:
> >>>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\myappfolder\", line 4, in ?
>     t=gettext.translation
> ("messages","c:\myappfolder\Translations","francais")
>   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 456, in translation
>     raise IOError(ENOENT, 'No translation file found for domain', domain)
> IOError: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'messages'
> >>>
Hi Francois,

not sure if it is different on windows, on linux I simply do:

  import gettext
  gettext.install(domain, localedir)

to install _() into my application's global namespace,
where localedir in your case was "c:\myappfolder\Translations".
The path that contains the french translation should be "..\fr\LC_MESSAGES" instead of "..\francais\LC_MESSAGES"
I think (at least that is true on linux).

I hope this helps


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