Bob ... i used my kludge which defines some bounds and tests for  
it... but your
idea of stuffing that into a seperate black box as golden in that it  
made me think
of the problem as input --> doit --> result.
and made my loops simpler and easier to read... and i use that same  
gap making
typing thing in several loops, so encapsulating that meant that i  
could make
it general purpose, and re-usable and i can add to it later more easily.

Thanks for that suggestion. I ended up with this:

# if the flag (random float) is lower than our percentage of rest, we  
# a rest duration and add that to our start time creating a gap  
between events.
def make_rest(event, lowerbound, upperbound, start, rest_percent):
        restflag = random.random()
        if (restflag < rest_percent):
                # This kludge makes sure our last event does not get a rest, 
and we  
                # prevent the first few events from getting rests as well to 
                # our transitions between sections are seamless & sufficiently 
                # NOTE LOWER bound is included
                if event >= lowerbound and event < upperbound:
                        rest_dur = windex(rest)
                        print "\n", "<>-" * 8, "[ rest : ", rest_dur, "]", 
"-<>" * 8, "\n"
                        start = start + rest_dur
                        print "[bang]"  # debug
        return start

then in the master bedroom i just call it:

                startime = foo.make_rest(event, 1, upperbound, startime, 



On Apr 25, 2006, at 11:27 PM, Bob Gailer wrote:

> How about separating the body into 2 functions, calling both for  
> all but the last list element, then calling just the first for the  
> last element:
> :
> def step1(sample):
>  global incr
>  splt = os.path.split(sample)
>  rtinput(sample)
>  loc = random.random()
>  dur = DUR()
>  STEREO(startime, inskip, dur, amp, loc)
>  print "event no. %d @ %.2f (dur: %.2f, end: %.2f) --> sf: %s :  
> [flag: %.2f]" % (event, startime, dur, startime+dur, splt[1], dry)
>  incr = (dur * duty_factor) + kptools.windex(kptools.durations)
>  startime = startime + incr
> def rest():
>  global event
>  restflag = random.random()
>  if (restflag < rest_percent):
>    rest = kptools.windex(
>    print "\n", "<>-" * 8, "[ rest : ", rest, "]", "-<>" * 8, "\n"
>    startime = startime + rest
>    event = event + 1
> for sample in smpl_lst[:-1]:
>  step1(sample)
>  rest()
> step1(smpl_lst[-1])
> so what i am trying to do its skip that
>> if (restflag < rest_percent):
>> biz on the last item if we are on our last sequence item. The  
>> rests (which are random) is for padding between events
>> and since we have just played our last event, we don't want any  
>> extra padding so that our next call of the loop
>> starts at the proper time (just at the last event of this loop is  
>> over). The loop function will calculate the
>> next start time, and return it so that we can use it as the start  
>> time argument for our next call of the loop.
>> so if i want to play 7 items i might get something like:
>> loop_call_01:
>> item_1
>> item_2
>> rest
>> item_3
>> rest
>> item_4
>> item_5
>> item_6
>> rest
>> item_7 (but we don't want any rest here ever! cause we might want  
>> our next loop to start w/o any pause)

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