Message: 7
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:12:59 -0400
From: Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] default module
Hi Kermit,
To make a module available for import, you just have to save it
somewhere on your Python path. There are several ways to do this,
Yes.  By some means that I don't remember I declared the file
in directory
to be a module.
 but if
you want to make another importable module just save it in the same
location as 
Are you saying that any .py file that I save in math\factoring
can be imported?
There is no practical limit on how many modules
you can have - just RAM and disk space limits, 
Had to look up the acronyn.
What is AFAIK? 
It's an acronym for As Far As I Know. 
 You already have
many modules installed as part of the standard library and any
third-party add-ons you have installed.
Yes.   I'm impressed with the listing in built_in.
I assumed system modules were handled in a different way than user modules.
If you are working with a module from the interpreter and you make
changes to the module, you have to reload it with the command
  >>> reload(factor30)
I will try the reload command next time I work with factor30.
This won't work for local names (from factor30 import xx)! Just use the
full name to access any elements of factor30, e.G. factor30.gcd. Read
In order to have the shorter name,
instead of factor30.gcd,
I prepare by
from factor30 import gcd
Once someone said that modules and files are not the same thing.
This statement left me puzzled.  Why not?
Kermit  <  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >

Tutor maillist  -

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