hello, I am having some trouble with the speed of numpy. I'm crunching some numbers (see the attached script) and in total I have 1,000,000 grid points over which I am integrating. I'm doing a bunch of adding, mulitply, divide, powers, etc, but in total there are 1,000,000 points to do these operations over and it really shouldn't take this long... as far as I know. my last simulation took about 8+ hours.

What might I be doing wrong in my code to cause this to be so slow? big thanks!!


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from numpy import *

function definitions
def GetPressure(x_coord, y_coord, x_r, y_r, z_r, dx, dy, w_mn, rho, v_mn, k_mn, 
n, m):
    #   intialize pressure
    p   = 0.0 + 1j

    #   sum contributions from all point sources to receiver
    for ii in range(n):
        for jj in range(m):
            r   = ((x_r  - x_coord[ii])**2.0 + (y_r - y_coord[jj])**2.0 + (z_r 
- 0.0)**2)**0.5
            p   +=  (1j*w_mn*rho*v_mn[ii][jj])*exp(1j*k_mn*r)*dx*dy/(2.0*pi*r)

    p   = sqrt(p*conjugate(p))
    return abs(p)

vaiables and constants

"""problem definition parameter"""
n       = arange(1,70)     #mode number in x direction
m       = arange(1,70)     #mode number in y direction
mode_n  = 10              #mode number - 1
mode_m  = 10               #mode number - 1
L       = 1.2               #piston length    (m)
W       = 0.6               #piston width    (m)

"""material properties fluid"""
c       = 343.0                         #speed sound in water  (m/s)
rho_a   = 1.21                          #density of air (kg/m^3)

"""piston material properties"""
E       = 7.0e10                        #youngs modulus (N/m^2) (stainless 
nu      = 0.29                          #poisson's ratio (stainless steel
rho     = 2700.0                        #density of piston (stainless steel) 
t       = 0.0015                        #piston thickness (m)

"""wave speed, wave number, frequency"""
c_l     = (E/(rho*(1 - nu**2)))**0.5                #longitudinal wave speed in 
k_x     = n*pi/W                                    #wave number x direction
k_y     = m*pi/L                                    #wave number y direction
k_mn    = (k_x[mode_n]**2 + k_y[mode_m]**2)**0.5    #bending wave number for n 
and m mode
w_c     = (c**2)/(1.8*c_l*t)                        #critical frequency (Hz)
w_mn    = (k_mn**2)*1.8*c_l*t/(2.0*pi)**2           #frequency for n and m (see 
notes 5/15/06)
k_c     = 2.0*pi*(w_c/(1.8*c_l*t))**0.5             #critical wave number
k_a     = 2.0*pi*w_mn/c                                    #wave number in 
acoustic medium (air)

"""piston grid"""
dx      = 1.0/k_a           #x direction step in space   (m)
dy      = 1.0/k_a           #y direction step in space   (m)

if dx < 0.005:
    dx = 0.005
    dy = 0.005
num_y   = int(L/dy)         #number of nodes in y direction
num_x   = int(W/dx)         #number of nodes in x direction

#piston grid coordinates
x_coord = arange(num_x, dtype=float)*W/num_x - W/2.0
y_coord = arange(num_y, dtype=float)*L/num_y - L/2.0

"""field grid"""
a       = 1
b       = 50
d       = 50
x_r     = arange(a, dtype=float)*1.0/float(a)     #x position of receiver  (m)
y_r     = arange(b, dtype=float)*1.0/float(b)     #y position of receiver  (m)
z_r     = arange(d, dtype=float)*10.0/float(d)    #z position of receiver  (m)

"""acoustic variables"""
p       = 0                             #amplitude of pressure at receiver   
r       = 0                             #distance from origin to receiver    (m)
p_field = zeros((a,b,d), dtype=float)   #pressure field  (m)

"""calculate piston surface velocity amplitude"""
U_mn    = zeros((len(x_coord), len(y_coord)), dtype=float)
for i in range(len(x_coord)):
    for j in range(len(y_coord)):        
        #amplitude of piston surface displacement
        U_mn[i][j] = 
        #amplitude of piston surface velocity    (m/s)
        V_mn       = w_mn*U_mn

numerical integration of Raleigh's equation
for i in range(a):
    for j in range(b):
        for k in range(d):
            p_field[i][j][k] = GetPressure(x_coord, y_coord, x_r[i], y_r[j], 
z_r[k], dx, dy, w_mn, rho, V_mn, k_mn, num_x, num_y)
        print '%d Percent Complete'%(100.0*j/b)

p_field = 20.0*log10(p_field)
fileHandle  = file('beam pattern.dat', "w")
fileHandle.write('TITLE = "HW 4"\n')
fileHandle.write('VARIABLES = "x"\n"y"\n"z"\n"pressure"\n')
fileHandle.write('ZONE T="%s"\n' % 'pressure field')
fileHandle.write('I=%d, J=1, ZONETYPE=Ordered\n' % (a*b*d))
for ii in range(a):
    for jj in range(b):
        for kk in range(d):
            fileHandle.write('%f %f %f %f\n' % (x_r[ii], y_r[jj], z_r[kk], 

contour of surface velocity

fileHandle  = file('mode shape.dat', "w")
fileHandle.write('TITLE = "HW 4"\n')
fileHandle.write('VARIABLES = "x"\n"y"\n"velocity"\n')
fileHandle.write('ZONE T="%s"\n' % 'velocity field')
fileHandle.write('I=%d, J=1, ZONETYPE=Ordered\n' % (num_y*num_x))
for ii in range(num_x):
    for jj in range(num_y):
        fileHandle.write('%f %f %f\n' % (x_coord[ii], y_coord[jj], 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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