Emily Fortuna wrote:
> I feel like there should be a better way to do this process:
> Can you please help?
> (This is trivial example code I created off the top of my head, but the 
> same concept that I am trying to do elsewhere.)
> class Person(object):
>       def __init__(self, first_name, age, fav_color):
>               self.first_name = first_name
>               self.age = age
>               self.fav_color = fav_color
> first_names = ['emily', 'john', 'jeremy', 'juanita']
> ages = [6, 34, 1, 19]
> colors = ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'yellow']
> ageIter = ages.iter()
> colorIter = colors.iter()
> people = [Person(name, ageIter.next(), colorIter.next()) for name in 
> first_names]
> print people
> any suggestions, please?

The builtin function zip() does this:
people = [Person(name, age, color) for name, age color in
zip(first_names, ages, colors)]


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