Ivan Low wrote:

>Bob Gailer wrote:
>>Ivan Low wrote:
>>>Hi, I'm new to python trying to figure how to make this work.
>>>c=0;d=raw_input("input number limit: ")
>>>while 1:
>>>    c = c + 1
>>>    if c == d: break
>>>    print c,
>>>My idea is to able to input a number to limit the print out of this 
>>>But this will not work. Where is the error?
>>"Will not work" does not (in general) give us enough to go on. Please 
>>in the future tell us what the evidence of the problem is - e.g. 
>>unexpected output, exception, ... If it is an exception please include 
>>the traceback in your post.
>Hi, thanks for helping.
>After the reply from Peter by suggesting that I convert the raw_input to 
>int, it works.
>Sorry that I didn't supply enough information in my post.
>However I'm curious about the result of my initial code after I enter a 
>number which
>prompted by the raw_input it just keep printing numbers without break.
>Why is it acting like that?
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
Well, since you didn't convert d to an integer, and a string can never 
equal an integer, c never equals d, and therefore you get an infinite 
loop, which continues to print c.

Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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