On Sun, 25 Jun 2006, ravi sankar wrote:

>    we are doing an intranet portral search.we had a look at the 
> tutorials for Regular expressions...we need an insight on how to 
> implement this.we r in the process of developing a unified search...

If you have a question, please ask it directly.  Are you asking for help 
in finding search engine implementations in Python, or how to implement 
regular expressions?

Another question that comes up directly is: if you do have to implement a 
search engine, why?  The technology for search engines is already 
established.  Have you looked at common implementations such as Lucene or 
ht://Dig yet?


Other than that, this really sounds like an assignment for a data-mining 
class.  It skirts too close to homework territiory.  So unless you have 
specific Python questions, the help we can give you will be limited.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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