Hi Everyone

*Please forgive me the repost ... I sent the first as
Html not Text .... Dumb, Doh!
I'm new to python and I want to write a rpg program
that is able to use the
Correct way to code data or parse?  I have pages of
.PDF file Data tables copied to text files.
I check out many python boards & Books with little
illumination to my problem.
I'm still not sure about what to use for this data
 Lists?, Tuple? there is some expressions with a
variable(WP) in the data!
 Dictionary? same as Tuple?
 Text file read?
 Function?, Module?, Class?

How would a Pro approch this ? 

What I'v been thinking is like this:
Very basic Brakedown of program:  (#=Number Variables,
$=String Data)
Which Damage Table? : ... 
Type .......... $(Cutting, Puncture, Bludgeon.
Three(3) Types of weapon inflicted wounds)
Zone .......... #(2d6 dice roll or Number generated by
players Attack choice. { A General Body Location.})
Which Row? : ............ Location ........... #(1d6
die roll. { A more Specific body location.})
Which Column? : ......... Wound Level .... #(Number
generated by Wounds Taken.)
 == WOUND (#$Blood-Loss, #$Shock, #$Pain, $##Wound

........ Sample of One Zones Data ...........
ZONE: 14, ARM 
# My data is like this: 
# Roll, Location, 
# Level One: .... BL, Shock, Pain, Wound Description
# Level Two: .... BL, Shock, Pain, Wound Description
# Level Three:... BL, Shock, Pain, Wound Description
# Level Four: .... BL, Shock, Pain, Wound Description
# Level Five: ..... BL, Shock, Pain, Wound Description

1, Hand
0, 6-WP, 5-WP, Surface graze. May drop anything held
in hand.
0, 3, 4-WP, Some flesh (like the palm) and bruised
bone. May drop at -3
2, 9-WP, 6-WP, Pierced hand totally. May drop handheld
items (at -4)
5, 7, 9-WP, Hit wrist bones (instantly drop whatever
may be held in that hand)
9, 8, 9-WP, As previous, a slashed artery or vein

2-3, Forearm
0 5-WP 4-WP,
1 5 6-WP,
2 5 6-WP,
6 7 8-WP,
7 8 9-WP,
Bone chipped (may drop handheld items)
As a level two, plus you automatically drop anything
Totally passes through, causing greater blood loss and
forcing any item to be dropped
As level four, with more blood and some bone damage
4, Elbow
0 6-WP 5-WP,
0 4 6-WP,
3 6 7-WP,
5 8 9-WP,
7 9 11-WP,
Glancing blow
Solid blow; funnybone effect. May drop items in that
Torn ligament or similar wound; instantly drop items
in that hand
Dislocated or otherwise jacked up elbow. Use of arm
temporarily lost
Shattered elbow. Arm now useless
5-6, Upper arm
0 4-WP 4-WP,
1 3 5-WP,
3 5 6-WP,
5 6 7-WP,
7 7 8-WP,
Light laceration
Deeper puncture, including torn muscle
Serious flesh wound, including torn tendons
More serious damage and bleeding, including some bone
As level four, but with more serious bleeding (a blood
vessel was hit)
.............end sample ...........
Thanks for any advice or help you can give me!
Steve Goodman

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