>> > In fact I want to create a list of variables from the list of strings
>> >
>> > Example: ['var1', 'var2', 'var3'....] - list of strings
>> Do you know about "dictionaries" yet?

> Yes. I know about dictionaries.


Can you show us an example of the kind of dictionary usage you've used 

I'm skirting really indirectly on this one, because I'm still not sure 
where the difficulty is in applying dictionaries to this problem.  Just to 
hint at this: the dictionary my_vars shown below:

my_vars = {}
my_vars['v1'] = 'tesuji'
my_vars['v2'] = ['anti-suji']
my_vars['v3'] = {'atari' : 1 }

is one that directs string names 'v1', 'v2', and 'v3' to some arbitrary 
values.  We can later look things up in the dictionary by providing the 
name of the key:

print "I'm reading James Davies' %s" % my_vars['v1']
print "I don't yet have %s" % my_vars['v2'][0]
print "%s!" % my_vars['v3'].keys()[0]
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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