Basil Shubin wrote:
> Hi friends,
> Please, examine attached script. I want fetch some data from online 
> resource and almost achieve this, but I can't fetch some weird formatted 
> data like this '45° Reverse Calf Press'. I got the following error:
> 45
>   Reverse Calf Press
> Reverse Calf Raise
> Seated Reverse Calf Press
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "", line 226, in ?
>      exercisesList = LoadExercisesList(2, 4, 9)
>    File "", line 86, in LoadExercisesList
>      return parser.GetExercisesList()
>    File "", line 176, in GetExercisesList
>      self.exerList.append([self.desc[i],self.urls[i]])
> IndexError: list index out of range
Apparently self.desc has more entries than self.urls. This would happen 
if handle_data() is called more than once for an <a> tag. If you put 
some print statements in your program you can probably figure out why 
this is happening.


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