Let me start by saying that your code is pretty
much OK as is. Indeed even using clssses for an
RPS game is probably overkill to some extent.
What follows should be seen more as some ideas
for experimentation and building towards a more
flexible/expandable architecture for future
projects. Its really about introducing some
alternative approaches and increasing consistency.
It is definitely not "better" - and indeed could
definitely be improved in several ways.
> class Human:
>   def __init__(self):
>     self.points = 0
>     self.choice = " "
>   def plays(self):
>     fromUser = raw_input("Pick (R)ock, (P)aper, or
>               (S)cissors! ")
>     translate = {'r':'rock', 's':'scissors',
>               'p':'paper'}
>     try:
>        self.choice = translate[fromUser.lower()]
>     except KeyError:
>        print 'Invalid Response'
> class Computer:
>    def __init__(self):
>      self.points = 0
>      self.choice = " "
>   def plays(self):
>     comp_choice = random.randint(0,2)
>     if comp_choice == 0:
>        self.choice = 'rock'
>     elif comp_choice == 1:
>        self.choice = 'paper'
>     else:
>       self.choice = 'scissors'
While its of little real advantage for this program 
I'd be tempted to introduce a Player superclass to avoid
code duplication. The protocol of both classes
here is the same and they both pass the "is-a"
test for inheritance - ie. they are both Players.
class Player:
   def __init__(self):
     self.points = 0
     self.choice = " "
   def getChoice(self): pass   # implemented in subclass

   def plays(self):
     choice = self.getChoice()
     if choice == 0:
        self.choice = 'rock'
     elif choice == 1:
        self.choice = 'paper'
       self.choice = 'scissors'
Notice I put the plays function in the Player class.
By unifying the representation of choice we can use
that function for both and just implement a
relatively simple getChoice method in each subclass
and we are done... (In fact we could simplify still
further by storing the choice in its numeric form
and using a class level dictionary to translate
that to a string for printing - although in fact
you never print what the choices were - maybe you
class Human(Player):
   def getChoice(self):
      choice = raw_input('Choice - rps: ').lower()
      if choice in 'rps':
         return {'r':0,'p':1,'s':2}[choice]
      else: raise ValueError
class Computer(Player):
  def getChoice(self):
      return randrange(0,3)
> def compare_objects(human, computer):
>   print "Human picked ", human.choice
>   print "Computer picked", computer.choice
>   results = { 'rock' : {'rock' : 'draw', 'paper': 0,
>                  'scissors': 1},
>                  'paper' : {'rock' : 1, 'paper': 'draw', 'scissors':
>                   0},
>                  'scissors' : {'rock' : 0, 'paper' : 1, 'scissors' :
>                  'draw'}
>              }
>   outcome = results[human.choice][computer.choice]
>   if outcome == 0:
>     print "Computer Wins!"
>     computer.points = computer.points + 1
>   elif outcome == 1:
>     print "Human Wins!"
>     human.points = human.points + 1
>   else:
>     print "Draw!"
By using the number format of storage and the
dictionary in the class you can simplify that
as in show below using lists.

> I actually figured out how to build the 2x2 matrix.
> I'm quite proud of this. 
A nested dictionary is one way. Another is to use numbers
to represent the choices and outcomes and create a nested
list structure nested list
rps = {0:'Rock',1:'Paper',2:'Scissors'}
draw,loss,win = 0,1,2
outcomes = [ [0,1,2], [2,0,1], [1,2,0] ]
computer = randrange(0,3)
human = randrange(0,3)
result = outcomes[computer][human]
if result == draw: print 'Draw'
elif result == loss: print 'Computer lost with', rps[computer]
elif result == win: print 'Computer won with', rps[computer]
The dictionary is more verbose but does have more readable
I hope somebody finds at least some of that interesting! :-)
I guess what I'm really trying to show is how
choosing different data structures makes a big
difference to how the code looks.
Alan G.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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