thank you Mr. Johnson this is my first program so its a little sloppy. I'm using gedit ill check out the other editors that u have thank you

On 8/17/06, Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Amadeo Bellotti wrote:
> Mr. Johnson i was hoping i didnt have to make my whole program into a
> loop because its about 900 lines of code and tabbing that would take a
> long time
If your whole program is 900 lines without a subroutine then you have
more problems than just tabbing...really, a program this big should have
many functions to divide up the work. Looking for a workaround for poor
program structure is not a good solution in the long run; fixing the
program structure so it is workable is a better idea.

As a practical matter, many editors allow you to select and indent a
block, including TextPad and Eclipse, the two editors I usually use.


PS please reply to the list, not to me personally.
> On 8/17/06, *Kent Johnson* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
>     Amadeo Bellotti wrote:
>     > hello is there a way if a condition is not met to restart the whole
>     > program? for example if and if statement returns true then re start
>     > the whole program?
>     You can probably achieve what you want just by structuring the
>     program
>     correctly. My guess you need to use nested loops, something like this:
>     while True:
>       initialize_everything()
>       while True:
>         if something_is_wrong():
>           break
>         do_some_work()
>     This will do_some_work() until something_is_wrong(), then it will
>     initialize_everything() and try again.
>     If the test for something_is_wrong() is buried deep in the code
>     you can
>     break the loop by raising an exception which you catch in the
>     top-level
>     loop.
>     Kent
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