Sometimes I have also some  - or more - problems trying digesting python 
and feeling totally blocked.

My programming experience (beginning at the card-reader aera) 
main-frame, mini and micro :
Bit / Byte / Word system-programming via switch-console followed by 
Assembler and commercial
software using Basic, Cobol, Pascal and SQL.
Mnemonic programming-language - in my understanding - can only be 
consisting of expressions near the
human language. The best example for writing non-system-programms are 
Basic and SQL.
Why should I waste time in learning a "language" like Java (or more 
positive: python) ?
Nevertheless this Tutor Digest is most helpful, the number of questions 
/ problems show
some more people are looking for a mnemonic-language which should 
cross-compile to something
with multiplatform-capability like Java.
Please let me know, if I am entirely wrong.

Klaus Ramelow
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Betreff:
> [Tutor] [OT] some jobs are just too big for Python
> Von:
> Terry Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Datum:
> Fri, 8 Sep 2006 15:15:10 -0700 (PDT)
> An:
> An:
> Summary: A python (the actual snake) ate an entire pregnant sheep in 
> Malaysia; and was unable to even move afterwards.
> The story above includes an impressive if somewhat disturbing photo.
Tutor maillist  -

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