"Chris Hengge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> Simple command to clear console? (C++ was something like 
> system.clr())
> Some sort of cursor positioning? (C++ was something like gotoxy)

While looking for something else I stumbled across this module in
the Vaults of Parnassus: WConio


Its a port of the old Borland turboC conio library to Python and there 
is a
version for Python versions up to 2.4. Only works for DOS windows
so far as I can tell, but thats what we wanted...

It includes amongst many others the functions:

WConio.clrscr() clears the screen and homes the cursor.
WConio.cputs(string) prints a string starting at the current cursor 

WConio.getch() retrieves a keystroke from the console

WConio.gettext(left, top, right, bottom) copies characters and 
attributes from the screen coordinates given and returns them in a 
string buffer. Usually used with puttext() below.

WConio.gotoxy(x, y) positions the cursor at the given coordinates.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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