> terribly slow. Doclifter itself take around a second to parse the troff 
> file, but my few lines of code take 25 seconds to parse the resultant 
> xml. I've pasted the code at http://pastebin.ca/166941 and I'd like to 
> hear from you how I could possibly optimize it.

Hi Tiago,

Before we go any further: have you run your program through the Python 
profiler yet?

Take a look at:


and see if that can help isolate the slow sections in your program.

If I really had to guess, without profiling information, I'd take a very 
close look at the characters() method: it's doing some string 
concatentation there that may have very bad performance, depending on the 
input.  See:


and the thread around that time for details on why string concatentation 
should be treated carefully.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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