I'm not sure what internal blanks means.. but I'll take a stab and say
"no", there are going to be NO blanks once I start reading the column
unless there are no more values to read... null or "" would be fine for
a stopping point. 

also, what is makepy.py? I'm still working through a couple books on
python, so I haven't got all the tricks yet :]


On Tue, 2006-09-12 at 18:03 +1200, John Fouhy wrote:
> On 12/09/06, Chris Hengge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't suppose that anyone has a fix for me eh? I've tried about all I
> > can think of and I'd like to be able to give this program a trial
> > tomorrow when I get back to work.. sure would save me some time :]
> Will there be internal blanks?  You could just scan for Cells(row,
> col).Value in (None, '').
> Otherwise, run makepy.py (if you haven't already) on Excel, and then
> look through the code it generates.  It will show you all the methods
> you can call, and what arguments they expect.  Something may leap out
> at you.

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