Thanks for the help. That was the problem. I guess I'd been looking at 
it so long I missed that. The error message wasn't helping me either.

Chris Smith

Geoframer wrote:
> The main problem from what i can tell is that the number of '(' and ')' 
> you use in declarations (and maybe even functions) are not correct.
> Take for instance :
> u0prime  = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1)**2) - h +length1))
> You open 3 '(' and close 4 ')' .
> The problem is not the little test code at the end (as you illustrated 
> yourself by moving it up and getting a different error).
> The "Token Error: EOF in multi-line statement" usually means you made an 
> error using too many or too little ()'s.
> I suggest carefully re-examining your code and check if everything is 
> entered correctly using the right amount of ()'s ;-)
> Hope this helps some.
> Ciao - Geofram
> On 10/7/06, *Chris Smith* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
> wrote:
>     I'm writing a numerical program for an assignment at school. So the code
>     of my program isn't too long I've coded the formulas, which are rather
>     long, as funcions. However when I try to run my program I keep getting
>     one of two errors. The first happens when I do a test run of my code
>     with the test portion of the code at the bottom. It keeps popping up an
>     error message that says that my import statement is spaced incorrectly.
>     It's not supposed to be indented at all and I can't figure out why it's
>     popping up at all. If I try moving the test portion of the code up to
>     the top it gives me "Token Error: EOF in multi-line statement". I don't
>     understand this one because I try to have the last line be the one with
>     the return statement of my last function and when the error happens it
>     adds a line to my code and the error pops up.
>     Can anyone tell me why I'm having these error or what I can do to get
>     around them?
>     Chris Smith
>     #Functions for Numerical Program
>     #----------------------------------
>     ### The sine and cosine integrals are taken from Abramowitz and Stegun.
>     ### Only use the first 6 terms of the summation in the sine and cosine
>     ### integrals.
>     def Si(x):
>         sine_integral = x - x**3/18. + x**5/600. - x**7/35280. \
>                         + x**9/3265920. + x**11/439084800.
>         return sine_integral
>     def Ci(x):
>         # Euler's constant
>         Euler_const = 0.5772156649
>         cosine_integral = Euler_const + log(x) - x**2/4. + x**4/96. \
>                           - x**6/4320. + x**8/322560. + x**10/36288000
>         return cosine_integral
>     def Mutual_impedance(length1, length2, stagger, d):
>         """
>         Mutual impedance formulas for Parallel in Echelon Configuration
>         The formulas are taken from a paper by Howard King, "Mutual
>     Impedance
>         of Unequal Length Antennas in Echelon"
>         NOTE: all measurements should be entered in wavelengths
>         """
>         # stagger (this is the vertical separation between antenna centers)
>         # d (this is the horizontal separation between the antennas)
>         # length1 and length2 (this is the half length of the antennas)
>         # vertical separation between center of antenna 1 and bottom of
>     antenna 2
>         h = stagger - length2
>         # wave propagation constant and eta
>         beta = 2*pi
>         # formulas to put into mutual impedance equation
>         u0       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h -length1)**2) +(h -length1))
>         v0       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h -length1)**2) -(h -length1))
>         u0prime  = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1)**2) - h +length1))
>         v0prime  = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1)**2) +(h +length1))
>         u1       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h -length1 +length2)**2) +(h
>     -length1 +length2))
>         v1       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h -length1 +length2)**2) - h
>     -length1 +length2))
>         u2       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1 +length2)**2) -(h
>     +length1 +length2))
>         v2       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1 +length2)**2) +(h
>     +length1 +length2))
>         u3       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h -length1 +2*length2)**2) +(h
>     -length1 +2*length2))
>         v3       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h -length1 +2*length2)**2) -(h
>     -length1 +2*length2))
>         u4       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1 +2*length2)**2) -(h
>     +length1 +2*length2))
>         v4       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length1 +2*length2)**2) +(h
>     +length1 +2*length2))
>         w1       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +h**2) -h)
>         y1       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +h**2) +h)
>         w2       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length2)**2) -(h +length2))
>         y2       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +length2)**2) +(h +length2))
>         w3       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +2*length2)**2) -(h +2*length2))
>         y3       = beta*(sqrt(d**2 +(h +2*length2)**2) +(h +2*length2))
>         R12 = 15*(cos(beta*(length1 - h))*(Ci(u0) +Ci(v0) -Ci(u1)
>     -Ci(v1)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 - h))*(-Si(u0) +Si(v0) +Si(u1)
>     -Si(v1)) \
>                   +cos(beta*(length1 + h))*(Ci(u0prime) +Ci(v0prime)
>     -Ci(u2) -Ci(v2)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 +h))*(-Si(u0prime) +Si(v0prime)
>     +Si(u2) -Si(v2)) \
>                   +cos(beta*(length1 -2*length2 -h))*(-Ci(u1) -Ci(v1)
>     +Ci(u3) +Ci(v3)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 -2*length2 -h))*(Si(u1) -Si(v1)
>     -Si(u3) +Si(v3)) \
>                   +cos(beta*(length1 +2*length2 +h))*(-Ci(u2) -Ci(v2)
>     +Ci(u4) +Ci(v4)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 +2*length2 +h))*(Si(u2) -Si(v2)
>     -Si(u4) +Si(v4)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*cos(beta*h)*(-Ci(w1) -Ci(y1)
>     +Ci(w2) +Ci(y2)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*sin(beta*h)*(Si(w1) -Si(y1)
>     -Si(w2) +Si(y2)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*cos(beta*(2*length2 +h))*(Ci(w2)
>     +Ci(y2) -Ci(w3) -Ci(y3)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*sin(beta*h*(2*length2
>     +h))*(-Si(w2) +Si(y2) -Si(w3) +Si(y3)))
>         X12 = 15*(cos(beta*(length1 - h))*(-Si(u0) -Si(v0) +Si(u1)
>     +Si(v1)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 - h))*(-Ci(u0) +Ci(v0) +Ci(u1)
>     -Ci(v1)) \
>                   +cos(beta*(length1 + h))*(-Si(u0prime) -Si(v0prime)
>     +Si(u2) +Si(v2)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 +h))*(-Ci(u0prime) +Ci(v0prime)
>     +Ci(u2) -Ci(v2)) \
>                   +cos(beta*(length1 -2*length2 -h))*(Si(u1) +Si(v1)
>     -Si(u3) -Si(v3)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 -2*length2 -h))*(Ci(u1) -Ci(v1)
>     -Ci(u3) +Ci(v3)) \
>                   +cos(beta*(length1 +2*length2 +h))*(Si(u2) +Si(v2)
>     -Si(u4) -Si(v4)) \
>                   +sin(beta*(length1 +2*length2 +h))*(Ci(u2) -Ci(v2)
>     -Ci(u4) +Ci(v4)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*cos(beta*h)*(Si(w1) +Si(y1)
>     -Si(w2) -Si(y2)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*sin(beta*h)*(Ci(w1) -Ci(y1)
>     -Ci(w2) +Ci(y2)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*cos(beta*(2*length2 +h))*(-Si(w2)
>     -Si(y2) +Si(w3) +Si(y3)) \
>                   +2*cos(beta*length1)*sin(beta*h*(2*length2
>     +h))*(-Ci(w2) +Ci(y2) -Ci(w3) +Ci(y3)))
>         mut_imp = complex(R12, X12)
>         return mut_imp
>     from math import *
>     length1 = 0.45
>     length2 = 0.65
>     stagger = 0.1
>     d = 0.2
>     impedance = Mutual_impedance(length1, length2, stagger, d)
>     print impedance
>     _______________________________________________
>     Tutor maillist  - <>
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> Tutor maillist  -

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