Tiago Saboga wrote:
> Hi!
> I think your problem was solved, and that the list of lists is the better 
> approach indeed. But I'd like to add an answer to a direct question you 
> asked:
> Em Domingo 08 Outubro 2006 07:47, Tom R. escreveu:
>> Basically I want to be able to integrate the value of one variable into
>> another variables name. 
> I think you would like to do something like: 
> =================================
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # use of __get_attribute__() function
> class players(object):
>       player1 = [2,4,8]
>       player2 = [3,9,27]
>       player3 = [4,16,64]
> count = 2
> pl = players()
> actual_player_string = "player%s" % count
> if pl.__getattribute__(actual_player_string)[2]==9:
>       print 'It worked.'

Better to use the built-in getattr() function:
geattr(pl, actual_player_string)

> ===================================
> I don't know how to do that if player{1,2,3} are not in a class, or if the 
> class is not instanciated. But somebody else can possibly show a way. 

There are ways to do it but really it's better not to.


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