--- Dick Moores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrei's
> Write your own iterator:
>  >>> def hugerange(minval, maxval):
> ...     val = minval
> ...     while val < maxval:
> ...         yield val
> ...         val += 1
> All 3 are essentially the same, aren't they. Which
> makes me feel even 
> dumber, because I don't understand any of them. I've
> consulted 3 
> books, and still don't understand the use of yield.

This is an example of a "coroutine".
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroutine

def hugerange(minval, maxval):
    val = minval
    while val < maxval:
        yield val
        ### return value of "val" to calling routine
        ### at this point and place
        ### hugerange() function temporarily
        ### on hold ...
        ### next call to hugerange()
        ### resumes at this point with
        ### all previous variable values
        ### still intact ...
        val += 1

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