Yes, I tried what you suggested, I've changed my looping structure to this:

    count = 0
    for itemLine in lineList:
        for itemDirectory in directoryList:
            if itemLine == itemDirectory:
                print match.ljust(20) + itemLine.ljust(20) + itemDirectory.ljust(20)
                print fail.ljust(20) + itemLine.ljust(20) + itemDirectory.ljust(20)
            #os.rename(pathName + item, pathName + LineList[count])
        count = count + 1

I'm just trying to figure out where to put the break(s), but I need to verify this is working since I'll be using it to rename files.. my old structure did EXACTLY what I wanted (I replied to my original post with more details and screen captures) as far as renaming the files.. but the display was screwed up.

On 10/18/06, Luke Paireepinart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Chris Hengge wrote:
> Ok the example I gave here wasn't written as I had it in my head.. you
> are right, the example only had 1 sentence.
> Inputs:
> List1 ['a.exe','b.exe',c.exe']
> List2 [' A.exe',B.eXe',c.EXE']
> for item in List1:
>      if item in List2:
>            print item + " " + list2thing that matched.
> I can't force to upper or lower, that would break the already working
> code..
> Its just this darn output for list2 that isn't working.
> I tried the suggested list.index(item) but that wont work if there
> isn't a match.
Well,  yeah, but it won't go into the if statement if there isn't a
match so what does that matter?
> Right now my code works when there is a match, and if there isnt'...
> It also works for renaming the actual file to match the file call from
> the document.
> I'm about to take the display out, since I dont honestly care that it
> works, but now that I've been working with it I'm being stubborn and
> want the darn thing to show me =P
Did you try my example yet?
It should work just fine.
just iterate over both of the lists...
for item1 in List1:
    for item2 in List2:
       if item1 == item2: #this is equivalent to 'if item1 in List2'
except will match ALL occurrences of item1 in List2.  if you want to
only match the first, add a break.
          print item1+ ' ' + item2

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