Alan Gauld wrote:
> Pine Marten wrote:
>> 2. Is there list ettiquette one should be aware of?
> Yes, but I'm not sure how you get a copy.
> Moderators???

Hmm, I didn't get that as part of my new moderator's welcome package. We 
are pretty informal. The only real rule I can think of is, don't ask us 
to do your homework, and if someone does ask for a homework solution, 
don't give it.

We will *help* with homework if you make an attempt and ask for help.

The best way to ask a question is to make your best attempt at a 
solution and show it. Then we can see where you are stuck. If you get an 
exception traceback from your program, include the entire traceback in 
your post.
>> 3. Besides Vaults of Parnassus, are there other webpages which list 
>> projects
>> written in Python?  I'm mainly interested in looking at 
>> non-technical
>> software, things for the common user to use.  I've been surprised at 
>> just
>> how little of that type I've found so far.
> Thee are a few such sites around. The Vaults seem to be falling into
> obsolesece now, although its still my first choice. Others will give 
> you
> their favourites I'm sure.

The Python Package Index AKA the Cheese Shop is the current repository 
of choice:

If there is something specific you are looking for you could ask here or 
google for python plus the specific topic.
>> 4. Can anyone recommend good books for non-programmers starting out 
>> learning
>> Python?  I've looked through a few so far and they are ok ("Learning
>> Python", "Python: How to Program") but am still hoping to find one 
>> that
>> doesn't assume any prior knowledge of programming and defines terms 
>> when
>> they are first presented.  (That might be a tall order, I know...)

Try these two:

Tutor maillist  -

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