shawn bright wrote:
> hey there
> i have written a module called

Use a different name, there is a library module called site that is 
automatically imported when Python starts up. So when you 'import site' 
you are getting the already-imported library module.


> in the file i have this:
> import DbConnector
> import sensor
> class Site(object):
>     "site object"
>     def __init__(self, id):
> <> = id
>         self.con = DbConnector.DbConnector()       
>         id = str( <>)
>         stats = self.con.getOne("selct `group_id`, `name`, `ivr_code`, \
>             `site_type`, `notes`, `sensor_id` \
>             from `sites` where `id` = '"+str(id)+"' ")
>         self.group_id = stats[0]
> <> = stats[1]
>         self.ivr_code = stats[2]
>         self.site_type = stats[3]
>         self.notes = stats[4]
>         self.sensor_id = stats[5]
>     def get_sensor(self):
>         self.sensor = sensor.Sensor (self.sensor_id)
>         return self.sensor
> ok, in the program i am trying to run i have these lines:
> import site
> new_site = site.Site(id_number)
> and this is what my output is:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 2014, in on_site_tree_view_row_activated
>     acitve_site = site.Site(id_number)
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Site'
> It looks like the same code works for a different module i have ;
> i don't get what i could be missing here, any tips?
> if you have read this far, thanks for your time.
> sk
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