I'm learning to use python with  the database mysql. I'm writing a 
widget in pygtk that should show the results of a sql query. For example 
with "SELECT * FROM a", I use this code
    count = 0
    a = db.cursor.description
    for tuple in a:
        print tuple[0][0]
        count = count + 1

... to know how many columns are in the result, and then, what I have to 
do is to create a liststore with  "count" columns. The method to create 
a ListStore is: liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, ...[number of 
columns]). I was wondering how to create the liststore with the proper 
number of columns, if there would a way to do something like this with 

    # to store the number of columns that will be needed
    count = 0
    a = db.cursor.description
    for tuple in a:
        print tuple[0][0]
        count = count + 1
    # this is the string with the method to execute
    method_string = "gtk.ListStore("
    for var in range(count):
        method_string = function_string + "str,"
    function_string = function_string + ")"

    # is there something like this "execute_function"?
    list_store = execute_function(method_string)

Thank you very much for your advices.

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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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