
Thanks for the response.  I am trying to help someone out on the Pygtk
list.  I forgot to enclose his reasons for wanting to assign the key
press.  They are below:  It looks like he likes his keys set out in a
certain way.  I am happy with mine the way they are!  I used "z" in
isolation just to get the logic right.  I know I can assign a function
to Z and make the Treeview move down one row and select the row below
but I don't want to have to do this for all the different buttons.  I am
trying to do it without having to assign and call a whole load of
different functions.

> I just start to use pygtk ... so it is just my first
> question :-)
> I would like to create a small file manager based on 'lfm' (curses 
> based file manager). I used glade for the gui and I am able to display

> the existing files and directories using two treeview widgets.
> Now, at the beginning I am kind of stuck with the key bindings. In
> it was pretty easy to define special key bindings:
>   keytable = {
>       # movement
>       ord('p'): 'cursor_up',
>       ord('k'): 'cursor_up',
>       ord('K'): 'cursor_up2',
>       ord('P'): 'cursor_up',
>       curses.KEY_UP: 'cursor_up',
>       ord('n'): 'cursor_down',
>       ord('j'): 'cursor_down',
>       ord('J'): 'cursor_down2',
>       ord('N'): 'cursor_down',
>       curses.KEY_DOWN: 'cursor_down',
>       curses.KEY_PPAGE: 'page_previous',
>       curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: 'page_previous',
>       0x08: 'page_previous',     # BackSpace
>       0x10: 'page_previous',     # Ctrl-P
>       curses.KEY_NPAGE: 'page_next',
>       ord(' '): 'page_next',
>       0x0E: 'page_next',         # Ctrl-N
>       curses.KEY_HOME: 'home',
>       0x16A: 'home',
>       ord('H'): 'home',
>       0x001: 'home',
>       curses.KEY_END: 'end',
>       ord('G'): 'end',
>       0x181: 'end',
>       0x005: 'end',
>       ord('h'): 'cursor_left',
>       ord('l'): 'cursor_right',
>       curses.KEY_LEFT: 'cursor_left',
>       curses.KEY_RIGHT: 'cursor_right',
>       ord('g'): 'goto_dir',
>       0x13: 'goto_file',         # Ctrl-S
>       0x14: 'tree',              # Ctrl-T
>       ord('0'): 'bookmark_0',
>       ord('1'): 'bookmark_1',
>       ...
> with such a keytable I am able to bind different 'def's to every 
> existing key. As you can see, I like it a lot to use 'vim-like' keys 
> for moving around; 'j' and 'k' to move a row up and down. In glade I 
> found those 'accelerators', but it is just for certain functions.
> Does anyone have an idea about using such a keybinding in
> pygtk? Would be nice!

I have attempted to answer his question but I am not sure I am on the
right track.  Is there a better way to do it?



-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Paireepinart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 November 2006 01:30
Subject: Re: [Tutor] adjust key bindings

John CORRY wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been trying to bind the "z" key to the "Down" key using Python
> 2.4, Glade 2 and Pygtk.  I have posted this problem on the Pygtk list
> but have had no response.  I was hoping somebody on the tutor list
> help.  I think that I am close.  I can capture the "z" key press and
> assign a "Down" key press but I can't get the "Down" key press to
> register on the Treeview in the GUI.
> Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
I highly doubt that what you want to do when someone hits a 'z' is to 
generate a 'down' keypress.
What if the user assigned the down key to z?
then you'd have a
z -> down -> z -> down -> .... infinite loop.
What I expect you want is that each key, z and down, perform the same 
In other words, they both call the same function.
So basically what you'd want is something like this (non-pyGTK specific 

def aFunc():
    print "Hello, World!"

bindKey = {'down':aFunc}

keypress = raw_input("What keypress do you want to perform?")

bindKey[keypress]()#this will call the 'aFunc' function if they type 
'down', otherwise, it'll probably crash.

bindKey['z'] = aFunc

bindKey['z']()# now performs the same function as
bindkey['down']()#this does.

If you really do want to generate 'down' keypresses when someone hits 
'z', please explain why, and I will try to the best of my abilities to 
help you in that regard!
Good Luck!

Tutor maillist  -

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