thank you soo much Alan i have Sams teach yourself C in 21 days fr starters
is that any good?

On 11/30/06, Alan Gauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Amadeo Bellotti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> step two sites to learn anyone know where i can look
> up c programming for linux?

Ah! Now, if you'd said you were talking about a
Linux PC then there would be no question. C is
the only way to go.

The Linux documentation project has loads of stuff about
programming for Linux, but you need to learn C first.

My personal choices for books are:
1) The original C Language book by Kernighan & Ritchie
One of the finest programming tutorials ever written, great
for core C but useless for the library functions.
2) C The Complete Reference by Schildt. A very good tutorial
that also makes a good (albeit DOS oriented)  reference manual.

Online I haven't seen anything outstanding for C but
then I haven't really looked at beginners tutorials because I
could already program C before the web was invented!

One thing - Don;t get sidetracked into C++. Its a whole
different ballgame, much more complex and unnecessary
if you want to go low level.


Alan G.

> On 11/29/06, Terry Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, R. Alan Monroe wrote:
>> > > Pure assembler on a PC involves a huge amount of work for even
>> > > the most trivial task.
>> >
>> > Some useful assembly tips here:
>> >
>> I never wanted to actually program assembly on the PC, but I did
>> want to
>> understand it (actually, I wanted to understand the Intel x86
>> architecture, and there's no better way of doing that than learning
>> the
>> assembly language for a machine).  I read Jeff Duntemann's
>> "Assembly
>> language Step-by-Step," , and
>> found it
>> very useful, although I didn't actually try any programming.
>> I'm an old mainframe assembler language hack from way back in the
>> IBM
>> System/370 days (although in my last development job, I wrote more
>> in
>> machine code than in actual assembler), so I didn't really need or
>> desire
>> to do the practical aspects of actually writing x86 code; but I
>> felt that
>> would have been a good book to get me there, had that been what I
>> wanted.
>> A couple of years ago, I took a course in which I built a
>> rudimentary
>> computer around an Intel 8031 chip; and when I say "built," I mean
>> built.
>> It was a couple dozen components on a breadboard, with about only
>> about
>> 2Kbytes of memory, if I recall; I soldered or wire-wrapped every
>> connection.  You really learn an architecture when you do that.
>> not that
>> I remember much of it anymore, two years later.  Not a route I
>> recommend.
>> I needed a few credits to fill an obscure educational requirement,
>> though,
>> and this was a fun way to do it.
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