Dick Moores wrote:
> from decimal import Decimal as D
> def bestFracForMinimumError(decimal, minimumError):
>      denom = 0
>      while True:
>          denom += 1
>          num = round(D(str(decimal)) * D(str(denom)))
>          error = abs(str((str(D(num) / D(str(denom))) - 
This looks backwards        ^^^^^^^^^^

Don't you need D(str(num)) ? Then converting it back to a str before you 
call abs will not work.

Your old approach of
def D(num):
   return Decimal(str(num))

would probably make for more readable code and fewer errors.

I'm not sure this approach will work, though, if you are trying to get 
higher precision, I would think you would have to do all the 
calculations in Decimal, not going to floats for num. I admit I haven't 
thought it through, though. I think you can use Decimal.quantize() 
instead of round().


> D(str(decimal))) / str(D(str(decimal)) * d("100"))))
>          if error <= D(minimumError):
>              break
>      return int(num), D(denom), error
> dec = D(".34576598876876867756765765")
> me = D(".0001")
> print bestFracForMinimumError(dec, me)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "fracSimple2-c.py", line 17, in <module>
>      print bestFracForMinimumError(dec, me)
>    File "fracSimple2-c.py", line 8, in bestFracForMinimumError
>      error = abs(str((str(D(num) / D(str(denom))) - D(str(decimal))) 
> / str(D(str(
> decimal)) * d("100"))))
>    File "E:\Python25\lib\decimal.py", line 578, in __new__
>      "First convert the float to a string")
> TypeError: Cannot convert float to Decimal.  First convert the float 
> to a string
> I don't understand this TypeError. Seems to me that I've converted 
> EVERYTHING in that line 8 to a string.
> Dick
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