farey() is at

Here's a script of mine that compares the results of farey() with bestFracForMaxDenom(), from my frac.py (at <http://www.rcblue.com/Python/fracForWeb.py>):

The maxDenom (the lim of farey()) is set at 100.
The dec, or decimal, or value, or v of farey(), is generated for each case by random.uniform(0.1, 1).


from __future__ import division
import random

def bestFracForMaxDenom(decimal, maxDenom):
    leastError = 1
    for denom in xrange(1, maxDenom + 1):
        num = round(decimal * denom)
        error = abs((num / denom - decimal) / decimal)
        if error < leastError:
            leastError = error
            bestDenom = denom
            bestNum = int(num)
            # leastError is a float; should I have this if statement?
            if leastError == 0:
    return bestNum, bestDenom, leastError

def farey(v, lim):
    '''Named after James Farey, an English surveyor.
    No error checking on args -- lim = max denominator,
    results are (numerator, denominator), (1,0) is infinity
    if v < 0:
        n,d = farey(-v, lim)
        return -n,d
    z = lim-lim # get 0 of right type for denominator
    lower, upper = (z,z+1), (z+1,z)
    #print lower, upper
    while True:
        mediant = (lower[0] + upper[0]), (lower[1]+upper[1])
        if v * mediant[1] > mediant[0]:
            if lim < mediant[1]:
                return upper
            lower = mediant
        elif v * mediant[1] == mediant[0]:
            if lim >= mediant[1]:
                return mediant
            if lower[1] < upper[1]:
                return lower
            return upper
            if lim < mediant[1]:
                return lower
            upper = mediant

maxDenom = 100
count = 0
for x in range(10):
    dec = random.uniform(0.1, 1)
    num1, denom1, leastError = bestFracForMaxDenom(dec, maxDenom)
    num2, denom2 =  farey(dec, maxDenom)
    if (num1 != num2) or (denom1 != denom2):
        count += 1
        print "Case", count
        print "When value is", dec, "and lim is", maxDenom
        print "frac.py fraction is %d/%d" % (num1, denom1)
        print "frac.py error is", num1/denom1 - dec
        print "farey.py fraction is %d/%d" % (num2, denom2)
        print "farey.py error is", num2/denom2 - dec
=================end of compareFracAndFarey.py==========================
(compareFracAndFarey.py is also on the web, at <http://www.rcblue.com/Python/compareFracAndFarey_ForWeb.py>)

Here's the result of one run, that notes the 3 of 10 pairs of results in which the farey() fraction is different from the bestFracForMaxDenom() fraction. Of course, I believe that the bestFracForMaxDenom() fractions are correct, but check them out for yourselves.

Case 1
When value is 0.834489320423 and lim is 100
frac.py fraction is 81/97
frac.py error is 0.000562225968725
farey.py fraction is 5/6
farey.py error is -0.00115598708969

Case 2
When value is 0.584115140346 and lim is 100
frac.py fraction is 52/89
frac.py error is 0.000154522575557
farey.py fraction is 7/12
farey.py error is -0.000781807012458

Case 3
When value is 0.946959063604 and lim is 100
frac.py fraction is 89/94
frac.py error is -0.000150552966002
farey.py fraction is 18/19
farey.py error is 0.000409357448332

Dick Moores

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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