I'm writing a program that downloads audio streams from the net, to do
this I use mplayer and tcpdump, which I kick off as detached processes
(if thats the correct terminology), I do it this way because i'm using
pygtk and I dont want the program to wait for the processes to finish
otherwise the app would appear to freeze.
I have written 2 modules, one contains a class and methods that do all
the work, the other is the gui module, I've got it working fairly well
at least when I start the program from within a bash shell (Im using
Ubuntu Linux BTW) The modules both have a line '#!/usr/bin/env python'
at the top and are set as executable too so I can run them from a bash
Now I have one eye on distributing the modules in the future I'm
thinking how people will start the app, and I discover that if I use
the 'run application' program (alt F2 in most linux's I think) to call
the module it starts ok and works normally until I attempt to use the
part that starts the subprocess in the background, it just does not
work and the gui continues to respond as if nothing ever happened. When
I check the processes running I can see that it has not started a sub
shell to run the command. also tried other things like creating an
application launcher, this will work if I tick 'run in terminal' but
not otherwise.
I've also started learning about distutils and installed the modules on
my system using it, then created a python script (made it executable)
and tried using this to start the program, same problem.

I'm scratching around trying to find an answer but I'm at a loss now so
would sure appreciate some help, thanks.

ps. sorry if it's wordy, I want to give enough info. if you need
anymore info just say.

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