I'm fairly new to using OOP and very new to Python, my first program is
coming along well and I have split the code into 2 modules.

The program finds stream urls, downloads them, re-encodes them to othe
formats, all this functionality I have created in one module with one
class called Streamrip and methods to handle this.
The second module contains all the code to handle the pygtk interface
and written as a separate class called Windowapp()

You call the Windowapp() routine, in its' init method I have a call to
create an instance of the streamrip class:

self.UC = Streamrip(var=....)

from then on within the Windowapp class i refer to the methods in
streamrip like

self.UC.Dumpstream(...)  etc.

I've got this far and now I am thinking all though it works would it be
better another way for example should I have used inheritence and
allowed the windowapp class to inherit the methods of streamrip()? 

if you want to see the code I can upload it.

It would be good to get some advice, thanks.


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