Andreas Kostyrka skrev:
> * Magnus Wirström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070201 14:38]:
>> Hi everyone
>> I'm learning to program python with wxpython gui. I have a application i 
>> made with several modules and i want to implement a configfile that 
>> applies to all those modules. Is there an easy way to do this ?  Can 
>> anyone point me in the right direction ?
> Depending upon your tastes:
> ConfigFile => win.ini style config files.
> shlex      => unix shell script style parsing.
> Andreas
/ think i want win.ini style, I'm designing a configuration module that 
is going to write this file. I have not heard of shlex so i can really 
not judge if it suits my needs. I do like the kind of config file that 
can be editable with a editor if nessary. Anyone have an good example 
how to use ConfigFile to write a config file that stores strings and 
boolean settings. Sorry for my english....

Tutor maillist  -

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