Johan Geldenhuys wrote:
> OK, this what I wanted:
> I have a value: a = 48.41
> My lowValue is: lowValue = 48.35
> My highValue is : highvalue = 48.45
> if a <= lowValue:
>     print 'value below limit'
> if a >= highValue:
>     print value above limit'
> I though that it could be possible to have a range between 48.35 and 
> 48.45 that could have a step of 0.1

What is wrong with
def lookAtRange(a):
   if lowValue <= a <= highValue:
     print 'In limits'

> This works fine with normal intgers:
> *>>> def lookAtRange(a):
> ...     if a in range(40, 110, 10):        *#Would like to have: if a in 
> range(48.35, 48.45, 0.1):
> *...         print 'In limits'
> ...     else:
> ...         print 'Out of limits'
> ...        
>> >> lookAtRange(40)
> In limits
>> >> lookAtRange(50)
> In limits
>> >>
>> >> lookAtRange(20)
> Out of limits
>> >>
>> >> lookAtRange(120)
> Out of limits
>> >> *

Are you sure this is what you want? Have you tried lookAtRange(45) for 

The range function creates a list of integers:
In [1]: range(40, 110, 10)
Out[1]: [40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

The 'in' operator tests for membership. 40 is in the list; 20 and 45 are 

I think even in the case of integers the range test with < is what you want.


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