On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 11:35:47PM -0500, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Bob Gailer wrote:
> > I really like the simplicity of a.b = 3. I groan when put in other 
> > environments where a method call is required.
> > 
> > And Python has the magic method __setattr__ to intercept attribute 
> > assignment for the times where some inspection / protection / 
> > side-effect action is desired.
> The modern way to do this (since Python 2.2 I think) is to use 
> properties. __setattr__ has other uses (for example for delegation) but 
> it is too big a hammer for changing the behaviour of a single attribute.

NTSAAB (Not to start an argument but) ...

Some of us old school types feel that properties are non-Pythonic. 
They are a way to write code that does something that it does not
look like that code is doing.  It hides your intend.  So, it is not

    "Explicit is better than implicit."
                   - Tim Peters
                     (see http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/)

In other words, properties are a way of writing code that appears
harmless, for example:

    temp = weather.temperature


    weather.temperature = temp

but making it do arbitrary, sneaky, gratuitous, and egregious things.
See the documentation on the *property* function at

However, some of you are probably saying to yourselves: "Well, of
course (we're sneaky; we're devious; ...).  I mean we are
programmers, after all."

OK. OK. Maybe I had too much coffee this morning.


Dave Kuhlman
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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