Hi all,I've been working with this new program that I wrote.  I started out 
with it on a Ti-83, which is much easier to program than python.  Now I'm 
trying to transfer the program to python but its proving to be quite difficult. 
 I'm not sure what the whole indentation thing is for.  And now I'm having 
trouble with the if statement things.  #"Circle Data Calculation Program:"print 
"Welcome to the Circle Data Calcuation Program."print    #"Menu 1:"print "Pick 
a shape:"print "(NOTE: You must select the number of the shape and not the 
shape itself)"print "1 Circle"print "2 Square"print "3 Triangle"    #"User's 
Choice:"shape=raw_input("> ")        #"Select Given:"if shape == 1:        
print "Choose the given value:"        print "1 radius"        print "2 
diameter"        print "3 circumference"        print "4 area"#"User's 
Choice:"given=raw_input("> ")if given == 1:        radius=raw_input("Enter 
Radius:")        diameter=(radius*2)        circumference=(diameter*3.14)       
 area=(radius**2*3.14)        print "Diameter:", diameter        print 
"Circumference:", circumference        print "Area:", areaif given == 2:        
diameter=raw_input("Enter Diameter:")        radius=(diameter/2)        
circumference=(diameter*3.14)        area=(radius**2*3.14)        print 
"Radius:", radius        print "Circumference:", circumference        print 
"Area:", areaif given == 3:        circumference=raw_input("Enter 
Circumference:")        radius=(circumference/3.14/2)        
diameter=(radius*2)        area=(radius**2*3.14)        print "Radius:", radius 
       print "Diameter:", diameter        print "Area:", areaif given == 4:     
   area=raw_input("Enter Area:")        radius=(area/3.14)          This is the 
whole program so far, because I haven't quite finished it yet.  But I tried to 
get it to display another list of options after you select a shape but it just 
does this.Pick a shape:1 Circle2 Square3 Triangle>1>1>>>I'm not sure why it 
does that but I do know that it is skipping the second list of options.Another 
of my problems is that I can't figure out how to get it to accept two different 
inputs for a selection.  Like I want it to accept both the number 1 and circle 
as circle then list the options for circle.  It won't even accept words.  I can 
only get it to accept numbers.  It's quite frustrating actually.Any advice 
would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance,AdamI tried to get it to display 
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