import time

import ImageGrab  # Part of PIL
from ctypes import *

# Load up the Win32 APIs we need to use.
class RECT(Structure):
 _fields_ = [
   ('left', c_ulong),
   ('top', c_ulong),
   ('right', c_ulong),
   ('bottom', c_ulong)

# time.sleep(2)

GetForegroundWindow = windll.user32.GetForegroundWindow
GetWindowRect = windll.user32.GetWindowRect

# Sleep for 2 seconds - click the window you want to grab.

# Grab the foreground window's screen rectangle.
rect = RECT()
foreground_window = GetForegroundWindow()
GetWindowRect(foreground_window, byref(rect))
image = ImageGrab.grab((rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom))

# Save the screenshot as a BMP.

# Get the pixel 10 pixels along the top of the foreground window - this
# will be a piece of the window border.

# print time.time()

start = time.time()

pixels = image.getdata()
for x in xrange(0, 500):
 for y in xrange(0, 500):
   rgb = pixels[500 * x + y]

# print pixels[500 * 2 + 400]

print ( time.time() - start )

# PIL returns colours as RGB values packed into a triple:
#print "RGB(%d, %d, %d)" % (rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])  # This prints RGB(0,
74, 216) on my XP machine

getdata() returns a flattened list, [n]

but i am not sure how to access it.

when I want to get rgb from a window of 100,200,

get data starts from 0    (0~99, 0~199)

the point of  x,y = 2, 1

do I put in

pixel[100]   ?

it's actually not the case  @_@

what should I put in ?
Tutor maillist  -

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