"Noufal Ibrahim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> I think such treatment of the various python constructs should be
> reserved for documents like say, "Python for C programmers"(

Actually that's not a bad idea, except I'm not sure such convertion
courses exist?

But it would be useful to have a set of concise crib sheets for
the most common conversion languages, say:

Java, Perl, C/C++, Visual Basic and Unix shell
(and maybe Mathematica and Lisp).

Now those would be sensible places to document how to 'translate'
common language idioms into Python and point out the Pythonic
alternative idioms.

Does anyone know of any good starting points? If there were a standard
format it might be quite a nice "cottage industry" section of the 
web site that could grow as people added new guides... In fact it 
be a Topic Guide section to itself...

What do y'all think?

Alan G. 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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