bhaaluu wrote:

> The original poster posted a post with the following function:
>         def dec():
>             import string
>             message=raw_input("Enter the message to decode: ")
>             result=''
>             for x in string.split(message):
>                 result=result+chr(eval(x))
>             return result
>         print dec()
> which is from the book:
> "Python programming: An introduction to CS" by John M. Zelle.
> As a Python Noob, I'm obviously ignorant of most of the Python
> language, but I wonder why the author of a book would include
> a function that is a "gaping security hole," when the int() function
> would do the job just as nicely, and without the security concerns?

I can't answer for Mr Zelle. Looking at the book, he introduces int(), 
float() and long() shortly after the section containing the above example.
> Of course, I don't know what context the snippet is in because I
> don't have a copy of the book in question. But as a Python Noob,
> I really do appreciate your heads-up about eval(), and I have it
> red-flagged as a 'gaping security' concern, and will use it with
> extreme caution in the future. =)

Good. There is almost always a better way to accomplish a task than to 
use eval().

> Now for MY question: Besides eval(), are there other functions that
> should be 'red-flagged' as well? I just haven't been around Python
> long enough yet to become familiar with all of the Standard Library.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but with 29 keywords, and over 176 library
> functions, Python weighs-in at over 200 Standard "objects"?

Anything where user input is executed as code is a security hole and 
should never be opened to untrusted users.

come to mind.

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