here s one line from a spreadsheet, as saved in python;
[text:u'Bob Dobbs', number:0.0, number:1.0, text:u'n/0!', number:0.0,
number:0.0, number:0.0, number:0.0, number:0.0, number:0.0]
[text:u'Connie Dobbs', number:22.0, number:4.0, number:0.17000000000000001,
number:11.0, number:0.5, number:6.0, number:0.28000000000000003,
number:29.0, number:0.080000000000000002]

I extracted cell 0,0 and it is
>>> x
u'Bob Dobbs'

So I did this:
>>> str(x)
'Bob Dobbs'
>>> b[1:-1]
'ob Dobb'
oops... well,then i did this
>>> print b
Bob Dobbs
which is as I need it. any use to the rest of the list?

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Kirk Bailey wrote:
>> ok, I installed XLRD and can load a xls file; it works quite well BTW. 
>> Now it is returning Unicode objects. I need to strip that to a simple 
>> string value. Is there a recommended way or module for handling 
>> Unicode objects?
> What kind of characters are in the Excel file? What do you want to do 
> with non-ascii characters?
> Some options:
> unicodeData.decode('ascii')  # Will choke if any non-ascii characters
> unicodeData.decode('ascii', 'ignore') # Will throw away non-ascii 
> characters
> unicodeData.decode('ascii', 'replace') # Will replace non-ascii 
> characters with '?'
> Also of interest:
> Kent

        -Kirk Bailey
          | BOX |


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