Hello friends,,
          I have a problem in displaying data  which i have invoked from
class. City is the name of the class which i havent displayed here. There is
another script using that class. It has a function name setCities which
takes a text file as argument. Text file contains name of the city, x and y
location. there are 4 datas in 4 different lines. Code is as follows.

import City

def setCities(inFile):
    # puts city.txt content into City class objects
    # the field order of input file is: name x y   x, y are integers. data
are in newlines.
    f = open(inFile, 'r')
    body = f.readlines()
    cities = []  # list of cities
    for row in body:
        cityData = row.strip().split()
        cityName = cityData[0]
        cityX = cityData[1]
        cityY = cityData[2]
        newCity = City(cityName, cityX, cityY)  # city class is invoked
    return cities

abc = setCities("C:\MS\sem5\Lab2_scripts\cities.txt")  # setCities function
will return the array with values read from the file.
print abc

I am getting output like
[<city.City instance at 0x023E82D8>, <city.City instance at 0x023E8300>, <
city.City instance at 0x023E8350>, <city.City instance at 0x023E83C8>]

I want the data and not the instance... what should i do ??

Varsha Purohit,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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