On 9/25/07, Terry Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Ian Witham wrote:
> > I am attempting to do this <https://www.spoj.pl/problems/FCTRL/> project
> for
> > the Sphere Online Judge.
> (Summary of the problem: for a given integer N, determine the number of
> trailing zeroes in N!  For example, for N=10, N! = 3628800, so the number
> of trailing zeroes is 2.)
> > for d in testnums:
> >     maxer = int(d ** .2) + 1
> >     g = sum(d / (5 ** x) for x in xrange(1, maxer))
> >     sys.stdout.write('%d\n' % g)
> >
> > ############
> >
> > Any ideas on how to speed this up?
> I think you're on the right track, but it can actually be much less
> computationally intensive.
> The track I think you're on is that each trailing zero means that the
> factorial, if factored out, had both a 2 and 5 among its factors (because
> 2x5 is 10, and the only way of getting 10).  Furthermore, because there
> are so many 2s, it's really about counting the number of times 5 is
> multiplied in.
> For example, in 10!, you have two occurances of 5: at 5 itself, and at 10
> (2x5).  For 30!, you'd have fives at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30, which at
> first glance is 6; but since the 25 is actually 5x5, it counts for two,
> for a total of 7.  And, sure enough 20! is
> 265252859812191058636308480000000, with 7 trailing zeoes.
> So, an approach might be:
> 1. Integer-divide N by 5.  That gives the number of times it's divisible
> by 5.
> 2. Integer-divide N by 5*5, i.e., 25; That gives the number of times it's
> also divisible by 25.
> 3. Integer-divide N by 5*5*5, i.e, 125.  That gives the number of times
> it's also divided by 125
> 4. through whatever: keep doing this.  You can stop when the result of the
> integer division is zero.

The problem with my program was the "through whatever".
As I was using a list comprehension I wasn't sure how to make the
calculations stop when the result of integer division == 0.
My method was to work out the maximum exponent of 5 that I would fit within
the test number. (This is the value I called "maxer")

However... my math was off.
int(d ** (1 / 5.0) != int(math.log(d, 5))

Once I fixed this, the program ran fast enough to be accepted.

Thanks for the advice,

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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