On Sat, Oct 13, 2007 at 11:04:05AM +0200, Eli Brosh wrote:
> Hello
> I am working with python interactively using IDLE.
> Since starting, I defined some variables:
> s='string'
> a=1
> b=[1,2]
> c=1.02
> and so on.
> Now, I want to know which variables are in my workspace.
> That is, is there a command similar to "who" in MATLAB ?
> I want to call "who"
> and get the output:
> s a b c
> (a listing of all the variables I defined in the session)
> Now, is there a way to clear some or all the variables in that list ?

What is your purpose?  What is your use case?

Usually, when this question or its spawn come up on this list, the
answer (and the right one, I think) is:  Do not use separate
variables, use keys in a dictionary.

And, you might think: But that's not what I asked for.  However, as
your mother might say: That's what's good for you.

Also, remember, in Python, global variables are just entries in the
dictionary returned by globals(), anyway.


Dave Kuhlman
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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