Kent Johnson wrote:
> Ismael Farfán Estrada wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> I have a small system in production with wxPython and PostgreSQL running on
>> a machine with Centos 5.
>> At first everytihing was running ok but now a weird bug was discovered:
>> they can't insert characters like á é í ó ú ä ë ñ .... (non english 
>> characters)
>> Does anyone knows how can I make pgdb accept that kind of characters?
>> I wrote a little script...
>> But first
>> CREATE TABLE tabla(
>>   cad character varying
>> ) ;
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
>> import pgdb
>> con = pgdb.connect(user="farfan", password='000000', host='localhost', 
>> database='test')
>> cur = con.cursor()
>> cur.execute("INSERT INTO tabla VALUES ('é')")
>> con.commit()
>> cur.execute(u"INSERT INTO tabla VALUES ('é')")
>> con.commit()
>> As you can see, the first insert statement is executed in ascii format and 
>> is succeful,
>> the second, which is in Unicode, fails
> Why do you need the whole statement to be Unicode? It looks like the 
> database wants utf-8. Probably you should encode the data as utf-8 first.
>> the problem is thas wxPython will allways send the script in unicode 
>> format...
> What is coming from wxPython? I guess it is just the data value, not the 
> SQL statement or the entire script. Try something like
> data= u'é' # Unicode data from wxPython
> data = data.encode('utf-8')
> cur.execute('INSERT INTO tabla VALUES (%s)', [data])

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for doing your part to help eradicate SQL injection attacks.  :-)

The World

(Seriously, though, after the discussion of last week, I always 
appreciate seeing good coding practices, even in example and meta code).

> Note I am passing the data as a separate list, not using string 
> interpolation. Let the database worry about quoting, etc.
> Kent
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