
Just finished sending my earlier response and realize that I overlooked an 

The code from http://viner.tv/go?set is potentially errant.  When
invoking the base class constructor, self should have been explcitly
sent as a parameter, using the syntax

        class Set(list):
            def __init__(self, value = []):
                self.concat(value)              # copies mutable default

I had gotten sidetracked by the issue of why value was not being
explicitly sent. This explains in part why the original author used
the syntax 

with an empty list as the parameter to __init__.  That makes such a
command legal, but the call is entirely pointless, as it invokes the
initializer on a different instance than the one that we are currently
responsible for initializing.

I suspect that the code as written is faulty because the internal
state of the list is not necessarily properly initialized.   However,
since list is a built-in class, it is possible that the author of this
code is getting lucky because initialization of a Python list may be
happening by other means than list.__init__

This example is certainly not a proper use of inheritance.

With regard,

On Thursday November 15, 2007, Michael H. Goldwasser wrote: 

>    On Thursday November 15, 2007, Tom wrote: 
>    >    I am trying to understand what happens in the following scenario:
>    >    
>    >    class Sub_class(Base_class):
>    >        def __init__(self, data):
>    >            Base_class.__init__(self, data)
>    >    
>    >    as in:
>    >    
>    >    # snippet from http://viner.tv/go?set
>    >    class Set(list):
>    >        def __init__(self, value = []):
>    >            list.__init__([])
>    Tom,
>      Indeed, that first line of the Set constructor body is invoking the
>      constructor for the base class (list, in this case).  The reason
>      that the value parameter is NOT being directly sent to the base
>      class is that there is a desire to avoid allowing potentially
>      duplicate elements into something that is representing a set. 
>      However, it was entirely unnecessary for them to send an empty list
>      as a parameter.  It would suffice to have written
>                 list.__init__()
>      It is important to have the call to the base class initializer
>      because we need to allow for the internal state of the underlying
>      list to be properly intitialized. 
>      Please note that the original source for this from viner.tv
>      has an important fourth line:
>        class Set(list):
>            def __init__(self, value = []):
>                list.__init__([])
>                self.concat(value)              # copies mutable default
>      That fourth line uses a custom method defined later to insert
>      designated values into the set while making sure to avoid
>      duplicates.
>    With regard,
>    Michael
>    _______________________________________________
>    Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
>    http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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